Project Battle of Neighborhood

This is project aims to utilize all Data Science Concepts learned in the IBM Science Professional Course. We define a Business Problem, the data  that will  be utilized and using that data, we are able to analyze it using Machine Learning tools. In this project, we will go through all the processes in a step manner from problem designing, data preparation to final analysis and finally will provide a conclusion that can be leveraged by the business stakeholders to make their decisions.


  1. Introduction
  2. Target Audience
  3. Data Overview
  4. Methodology
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusion

1. Identifying the Business Problem (Introduction)

Ho Chi Minh City have the largest population in Vietnam. This area has many opportunity. It attracts people from many places. This city has about 9 million people. It have variety cultures. 
Example :  Chinese, Indian, Khmer, Cambodian, Laos... HCM city being the hub of interactions between ethnicities many opportunities for entrepreneurs to start or grow their business.

The objective of this project is to use Foursquare location data and regional clustering of venue information to determine what might be the 'best' place in Ho Chi Minh city to open a coffee shop. Coffee is one of the most drink in Vietnam. Through this project, we will find the most suitable location for an entrepreneur or business owner to open a new coffee shop in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

We need to clarify the differences between a coffee shop and café. Coffee shop has  no similar connotations. From personal experience in United States, a café serves meals, while a coffee shop usually just sells snacks ( muffins, scones, shortbread ). This is not strictly the case and both usually serve coffee. In this project, we suppose to work only on the café.
Although there are already a lot of cafés in Ho Chi Minh City, their density between district is not uniform. There are some districts containing too many café while there are less in some others. If we have some knowledge about population, the price house in each districts coupling with an overview of the number of café, we can have a better idea to set up a new business there.

Figure1: Photo from

2. Target Audience

This project is aimed towards Entrepreneurs or Business owner who want to open a new coffee shop or grow their current business. The analysis will provide vital information that can be used by the target audience.

3.    Data Overview

The data that will be required will be a combination of CSV files that have been prepared for the purposes of the analysis from multiple sources which will provide the list of price house from my github which this have crawled from website And Geographical location of district in Ho Chi Minh city from my github. And Venue data pertaining to coffee shop ( via Foursquare ). The Venue data will help find which neighborhood is best suitable to open a new coffee shop. 

  • Source 1 : The price house in Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Source 2 : The demographic of Ho Chi Minh city
  • Source 3 : Name of the wards in each district.

Source 1: The price house in Ho Chi Minh City.

Figure 2: Price house in HCM city show in this page

The site shown above provided about the price house in HCM city. Its includes the name of district and price house of this district. Since data is not in format that is suitable for analysis, scraping  of the data was done from this site (show in figure 3).

Figure 3 : Data was scraping from site and put into pandas dataframe.

Source 2 : The demographic of Ho Chi Minh city.

Figure 4 : Wikipedia site about demographic of HCM city ( year 2015 )

1. Link :

The wikipedia site shown above provided about the demographic in HCM city. Its includes the name of district, the quantities of ward is located in each districts, area, total population, Density, . Since data is not in format that is suitable for analysis, scraping  of the data was done from this site (show in figure 5 ).

Figure 5 : Data was scraping from wikipedia and put to dataframe

Source 3 : Name of the wards in each district

Figure 6 : List the ward of each district (

This link provide list the ward of each district. It include the name of district, name of the ward. Since data is not in format that is suitable for analysis, scraping  of the data was done from this site (show in figure 7 ).

Figure 7 : ward of each district

4.    Methodology

      First all, we need collected the data by scraping the table price house on mogi page and the population of each district in HCMC on the wikipedia page. The BeautifulSoup package is very useful in this case.

      The column District is process Vietnamese and replace word ‘Quan’ and delete space before and after the string ( use strip() in this case )

Throughout the project, we use numpy and pandas packages to manipulate dataframes.
We merge table price house vs table population base on District. (Main data frame )
Figure 8 : Merge price_house_df vs population_df

We using geopy.geocoders.Nominatim to get the coordinates of districts and add them to source 1.

Figure 9 : Using geocoder get coordinates of the district

        We use folium package to visualize the HCMC map with its districts. The central coordinate of each   district will be represented as a small circle on top of the city map.

Figure 10 : Visualize the districts in HCM city

      Then, we need collected the data to the table ward. It include name of districts, ward of each district on The BeautifulSoup package is very useful in this case.

Figure 11 : the wards of each district

       We use Google Place API to get the coordiantes of the wards of each district. ( Source 2 )

Figure 12 : the coordinate of the ward in each district

We use folium package to visualize the HCMC map with the wards. The central coordinate of each district will be represented as a small circle on top of the city map.

Figure 13: Visualize the wards in each district

We use Foursquare to get venue around the wards of each district. ( Source 3 )

Figure 14 : The venue around of the wards

5.    Discussion

    5.1    The venues

Figure 15: Number venues of each district
 ( this is sum all venues of the wards of each district in HCM city)
                 Figure 16 : Number categories of each district

In this time, the Tan Binh, Phu Nhuan instead the position of 5 vs 10. District 1 vs 3 are still very diversity. The reason for that, there are many venues but the categories in some districts is maybe there some principle categories in these district. Those principle categories play the major role in the commercial activities of these districts.

we grouped those rows by District and by taking the count all venue of each District.

Figure 17 : Grouped District by the count all the venue.

Now, we calculated top 5 categories popular in HCM city.

Figure 18 : Top 5 Categories popular in HCM city

Then,  In the table above, Vietnamese Restaurant (766), Café (736), Coffee Shop (384), Seafood Restaurant (219), Asian Restaurant (215). The café is main category in the drink business with 736 different venues.

Figure 19 : Top 10 Categories common in each district

Base on the table above, for less competition, we can choose district  whose first top common venues is not Café. For example : 1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9...etc.

Then to analyze the data we performed a technique in which Categorical Data is. Data is transformed into Numerical Data for Machine Learning algorithms. This technique is called One hot encoding. For each the Districts, individual venues were turned into the frequency at how many of those Venues were located in each District.

Figure 20 : One hot encoding 

Then we grouped those rows by Neighborhood and by taking the average of frequency of occurrence of each Venue Category.

Figure 21 : Grouped District by the average of the frequency of each venue.

Now, we retrieved data to relate Café. For to create Café table.

Figure22  : Café table

    K-Means Clustering 
Figure 23 : Finding the K  vs Error

Then we used a model the accurately pointed out the optimum K value. We imported 'KElbowVisualizer' from the Yellowbrick package. Then we fit our K-Means model above to the Elbow visualizer.

This give  the model below:
Figure 24 : Finding the right K using the Elbow Point

We just integrated a model that would fit the error and calculate the distortion score. From the dotted line, we see that the Elbow is at K = 5. Moreover, in K-Means clustering, objects that are similar based on a certain variable are put into the same cluster. Districts that had a similar mean frequency of Café were divided into 5 clusters. Each of theses clusters was labelled from 0 to 4 as indexing of labels begins with 0 instead of 1.

Figure 25 : Appropriate Cluster Labels were added

After, we merged the table above with source 2 to creating a new table which would be the basis for analyzing  new opportunities for opening a new coffee shop ( café ), in Ho Chi Minh City. Then we created a map using the Folium package in Python and each neighborhood was coloured based on the cluster label.
  • Cluster 1 : Very Low
  • Cluster 2 : Low
  • Cluster 3 : Medium
  • Cluster 4 : High
  • Cluster 5 : Very High
Now, we merge cluster labels with main data frame.

Figure 26 : main data divided the cluster

But, we only focus to cluster 1,2,3,4 . The places has Cafe which is not 1 st common venues.

Figure 27 : Data clarified the cluster

    5.2    Price House of each District in Ho Chi Minh City

Look back to the Price House ( PH), we categories them into 4 group ( unit : million VND / m2 ). We need focus on the Price House Low and Medium to set up our business. 
  • Low  : 30 < PH <= 100
  • Medium : 100 <  PH <=200
  • High : 200 < PH <= 300
  • Very High : PH > 300
Figure 28 : Visualize the cluster with bar chart

Data frame after clarify.
Figure 29 : Dataframe clarified the price house

    5.3    Density of each District in Ho Chi Minh City 

Look back to the Density, we categories them into 3 group ( unit : person / km 2 ). We need focus on the Price House Medium and High to set up our business. 
  • Low :  Density < 16767
  • Medium  : 16767 <= Density < 31174
  • High : Density >= 31174
Figure 30 : Visualize the cluster with bar chart
Data frame after clarify.

Figure 31 : Dataframe clarified the density

  • Café very low + PH medium + Density medium : Binh Thanh, Tan Binh.
  • Café low + PH low + Density medium : Go Vap.
  • Café low + PH medium + Density high : Phu Nhuan.
  • Café high + PH low + Density high : 4.
  • Café high + PH low + Density medium : 8.
  • Café high + PH medium + Density high : 6.

6.    Conclusion 

So we found Phu Nhuan district where is the best suitable place. Its include amount of café Low, Price House Medium, Density High. But, we can choice the rest place in this above table.



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